Trigger Finger: The Urban Igloo

Trigger Finger is a series of posts dedicated to the impulsive and instinctive cell phone photography that we’ve all developed over the years. For the times when you don’t have your best camera on you, but the moment is still worth capturing.

This piece of modern architecture was spotted on the Corner of Ditmars Boulevard and Crescent Street in Astoria.  The grocery store owner on the same corner built it for his kids, who regularly hang out in and around the store. The individual blocks were crated by packing snow into milk crates lined with cardboard. The unorthodox flat roof is supported by a sheet of plywood, and then covered with more snow for stability and insulation. The small window opening also uses plywood as a lintel. Its no Ice Hotel but this sure looks like it would be fun if I was 10. This igloo has melted since the taking of this picture but I’m sure there will be a new one up soon with the recent snowfall.

Those kids have an awesome dad.

3 thoughts on “Trigger Finger: The Urban Igloo

  1. Enigma44 says:

    Great there is still parents that do things with and for their children…

    1. Anonymous says:

      Ha! With all the fresh new snow, you would think so, but there’s no room for one. I think it was a one time deal with them. That thing looks like it tool hours to build. 🙂


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