Flickr Photostream Friday: Twig_is_the_Future

New York is best seen through the eyes of a young person. This is the conclusion I’ve come to after going through Bryan (a.k.a. Twig_is_the_Future)’s photostream. Stimulating saturated colors, unique perspectives and epic moments are found in everyday living. If this youthful enthusiasm and zest for life could be captured in a bottle and sold at the drug store, I’d be the first one in line to get my fix. Bryan reminds me a lot of myself as a teenager fascinated with the mysteries of the New York underground. This is why I am most drawn to his images. There is an emotional connection for me, and that’s 50% of what makes a great photo.

Bryan was born and raised in New York City and has lived in almost every borough. He still travels a lot via mass transit, as most young people do, and he always carries his Canon SX130 with him, shooting the stuff he finds interesting in his commute.

“…My favorite things to shoot are candids and subway scenes, and especially in New York City, you’ll capture a lot of interesting expressions and scenes shooting candids. Same thing with the subway, except that the whole rushed atmosphere and the elaborate infastructure intrigue me and add to the shot…”

photocrati gallery

Bryan is another perfect example of why the camera doesn’t make the man. Having a point and shoot on you at all times is a hell of a lot easier than having a dSLR with multiple lenses on you at all times. This portability and ease of use lends itself to more spontaneous, intuitive shots. You see something “wow” worthy, you grab it. That’s it. No worrying about what mode to use, what ISO to set, etc etc.

“…A lot of my friends think it’s kind of weird that while I’m hanging out with them I’ll just randomly aim my camera around looking for whatever… but then they see the pictures and they’re like ‘Wow, how the hell did you do that?… I love to reach for the impossible, and I ususally obtain my best work when not trying to.”

He aspires to get a dSLR soon, and hopefully he can convert his enthusiasm into the long term bigger format with the added heft. I’m sure he will. Keep Shooting Bryan!

[Twig_is_the_Fututre on Flickr]

1 thought on “Flickr Photostream Friday: Twig_is_the_Future

  1. Luluprester says:

    “Point and shoot” is the only reason I suffer w this devise…. supposedly its a phone, as it is sold under this category, however making, receiving, and maintaining phone call seems to be functionally, its weekest “feature” . But the cam on this bad boy puppy is BANGIN.. Stellar, heaven sent literally sparking inspiration, and waking up the sleeping coma the artist in me has been in for years.
    Thanks for this blog post as I am now goin over to check out Braps photostreem to be further inpired, and not encouraged as I don’t even carry around my lil cannon SD1200 as it drew too much attention, in my experience trying to take pix of those subway jewels… even though most, including myself are busy looking down; checking out please kicks. This being understood as proper, social conduct amongst nyc’ers… wouldn’t want to look up, and at a face as this can be rude…. cam phone perfect for avoiding this, even when someone realizes I’m snap snap snapping… cheers!


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