Flickr Photostream Friday: Jibby!

“Though I may often be grim of nature, and dark of mind, I believe there is light in the center of my being, a luminescence of the soul that shines even in the darkest of my hours.” -Jibby!

Don’t let the lead shot fool you. This week’s featured photostream is from a photographer who thrives in the realm of sinister and playfully morbid. Shooting mostly wide angles in the Pacific Northwest, Jibby!, also known as David Leeth, is modest about his picture taking abilities, but admits to a great love for post production. He has been a Photoshop guru for over ten years, and uses his software strengths to radically bend images to his will. Ordinary, everyday scenes are not enough for Jibby! Skies darken, buildings come alive and spirits rise from their graves when he works his magic. I would imagine this is how young children often see the world, embellishing existing conditions into supernatural states. Jibby! also shoots portraiture and critters, but I find his black and white creepy stuff to be the most engaging.

photocrati gallery

Aside from his great ability to conceive and stage a specific shot, Jibby! also works as an image retoucher and restorer. I can tell you from doing this myself, that this is no easy task. Old pictures often have harsh blemishes or even missing information that must be estimated and drawn back in to the best of the retoucher’s ability. Much like a painter restores an old artist’s work, a digital image restoration process can be long and arduous.

I invite you to dive into Jibby!’s abyss and wade through his surreal work. Don’t forget to check out his many sets. But for heaven’s sake, don’t leave a big ugly group badge instead of a real comment. He’ll condemn you to hell. Enjoy!

[Jibby! on Flickr]

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