Trigger Finger is a series of posts dedicated to the impulsive and instinctive cell phone photography that we’ve all developed over the years. For the times when you don’t have your best camera on you, but the moment is still worth capturing.
While strolling around Union Square Park a few minutes ago, I paused to observe some young girls filming some pigeons with their dSLR. The pause was for only about twenty seconds, but it was enough for the angry birds above me to bless me with an appetizer before lunch time. The poop droplet wasn’t as massive as some others that have embroidered my car in the past, but it was a small inconvenience nonetheless. Fortunately, a nice man at a nearby news stand gave me a couple tissues to help my situation. He said, “…one for your camera, and one for you.”
In some cultures, when bird droppings hit you, it is seen as a sign of good luck. The same goes for stepping in dog poop, or any accidental contact with feces of any species. The more massive the poop, the better the fortune. The myth is most often associated with money, but good luck is the general idea.
Many of you already know I’m a man of science and don’t believe in invisible men who live in the clouds. I generally dismiss superstitions like this, but I have to admit, when something like this happens, I just smile and wonder. Wishful thinking I suppose.
Perhaps the fact that the poop hit my camera means the camera will take a great picture soon.
That bird has some good aim – here’s to some lucky picture-taking!